We do all that we do to improve and enrich the quality of life for others.
We do it to end the spread of and alleviate HIV suffering, to reduce teen pregnancy, to prevent substance misuse.
We do it to end homelessness, to ensure people have access to healthcare and healthy food and nutrition, to provide mental health treatment and supportive services.
We do it to keep young people from involvement in the justice system, to help people gain skills that provide a pathway to high-wage employment.
These are the whys. These are the tasks that we have chosen as our life’s work.
These difficult-to-solve issues require all our collective wisdom and capacity. We all have a common kinship — a kinship that requires us to delight in one another, to help one another, to put our civic hearts into action. We invite you to join with us as we get about the business of changing lives.
What’s Happening
Civic Heart Program Spotlights

ACA Health Navigator
The ACA Health Navigator program provides trained Navigators to help individuals and families gain access to health insurance when needed.

Teens Making A Choice
Teens Making A Choice (TMAC) is a teen pregnancy prevention program that targets African American and Hispanic youth ages 15 to 19.

The VOICES program is a wraparound case management program that works with girls under the age of 18 involved in the justice system.
To learn more about all our programs – Learn More