Teens Making a Choice 2.0

Teens Making A Choice 2.0 (TMAC) is a teen pregnancy prevention program that targets African American and Hispanic youth ages 15 to 19 and is implemented in both school and community settings within Harris County

The program utilizes a social-emotional learning evidence-based curriculum called Love Notes. This curriculum addresses effective risk avoidance and empowers youth with the skills needed to further their own personal development. TMAC 2.0 empowers teens to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual activity, and engage in fewer risky behaviors, thereby reducing teen pregnancy.

Students who participate in the TMAC 2.0 program will receive evidence-based and medically accurate information on the following topics:

* Healthy Relationships

*Dating Violence Prevention

*Success Sequencing & Poverty Prevention

*Goal Setting

*Communication Skills

Civic Heart Community Services was awarded funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Family- Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) for this program.

Contact us today to learn how to bring our services to your schools, community programs and churches!

Program Staff

Jasmine Pena
Program Coordinator

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